
The pharmaceutical industry has very strict laws and regulation requirements regarding hygiene and safety (GMP and FDA). To protect products and employees according to these sets of requirements Interflow offers a huge range of ‘clean air’ solutions; from high-quality Laminar Air Flow units through to complete high-tech cleanrooms. In addition, we know the customer and production processes through and through; so we know exactly under which operating circumstances and environments these processes must take place. Everything is designed and installed to optimally protect your employees and your product.

Interflow offers an integrated process; from advice, design and construction to validation, servicing and management. As a specialist partner, we will work with you to find out which innovative solutions are best suited to your production requirements. This can range from fully conditioned spaces to areas which are particularly protected in the production environment; so-called ‘white spots’. These ‘white spots’ are provided with high-quality Laminar Air Flow units in which you can undertake the production of medicines in optimal, controllable, conditions.

Comply with GMP and FDA

We work according to controlled and ‘certified’ processes that meet all the requirements and quality levels of the pharmaceutical industry. Our cleanrooms and Laminar Air Flow units fully comply with the strict European and American regulations in the field of quality and safety: GMP and FDA.

Higher operational reliability

With Interflows excellent training process and a well-considered service plan, we can deliver the necessary maintenance regimes to a higher level of quality. This leads to maximum operational reliability reducing non-productive ‘down’ time.

Our Technical Management offer also includes (re) qualification of your cleanrooms and laminar air flow units. After undertaking the measurements required, the results are immediately available to you. In addition, you will receive the comprehensive report from us within five days. Finally, we also take care of the validated delivery of your critical spaces and installations.