Validation, management and maintenance | Microbiological safety cabinet

To eliminate dangerous and harmful situations, microbiological safety cabinets should be validated regularly. Interflow has the knowledge, skill and experience to take this off your hands. We check whether your units meet all requirements and criteria. Our specialists measure whether your microbiological safety cabinets still realize safe and clean working environments over time. Continuity and flexibility are essential concepts here. The validation results are available immediately after the measurements. This allows quick and well-founded consideration of whether or not to commission the laminar air flow units. If the results are positive, downtime remains limited. Before delivery of the microbiological safety cabinet, a test takes place in our own production facility. This includes a visual inspection, a function test and an air velocity measurement. This is to demonstrate that the laminar air flow unit meets the applicable laws and regulations and Interflow's strict quality requirements. Upon delivery, an extensive measurement and validation protocol is performed on site so that it is ready for use.

Management and maintenance

With personal and product protection in mind, you want to avoid dangerous and harmful situations at all times. A microbiological safety cabinet that is regularly checked by an expert will have higher quality, uptime and longer life. Interflow is the right company to take care of the maintenance of your laminar air flow units. A well-thought-out maintenance plan leads to high operational reliability. Thanks to our latest option - the so-called connectivity system - we can view fault reports remotely and fix problems even faster than before. This innovative technology minimizes the downtime of the microbiological safety cabinets. The modular design of the laminar air flow units allows for modifications and repairs even after delivery. Changes in laws and regulations, for example, could make modifications necessary.